Tuesday, January 5, 2010

After New Years

Note: This is an older entry and is part of my transitioning over from wordpress to blogger, so the timing may seem strange. -'holic

Finally got out for a decent ride today – that’s the nice thing about the southern hemisphere. I can use the holiday season to get some decent time on the bike. The wonderful thing is that by the time winter rolls around here, I’ll be moving back up to the top half of the globe, hopefully with all of my fitness. I just have to worry about finishing that pesky doctorate and lining up a post-doc, and I’ll be all set!

Anyway, got out to do just under 100k of mostly hilly stuff – a local favorite (long bays) with an added excursion over to the other side of the harbor. It was brutally hot out (for my location) and on every climb I told myself I was going to cut the trip short for fear of heat exhaustion. Of course, by the last climb there were no more places to bail from, and I was practically home already, so I just finished it off. According to mapmyride it was about 600m total climbing, but it felt like alot more. It’s nice that website is nice for something though. I used to use their workout logs, but just got fed up with them after a while. Still, it’s one of the best places to share and find routes.

Anyway, off on vacation for a few days, sans bike. When I get back I’ll try to rethink my training strategy, and make sure I don’t peak too early and miss my target races in March. I’m feeling strong now, but want to make sure it lasts. I’m currently reading Chris Charmichael’s latest book, and although I generally have more training time than his target audience, it’s got some good stuff in it that I’ll try to take away. More to follow…

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